Finished at last!

Jun 29, 2022 by David Crosby
It was a long year, but we finally finished the addition to our tiny house, affectionately known as Our Happy Place! Living amid the construction was a major distraction, but I also finished Will Harper #8, Paradise Gone. It's available on Amazon as of July 3rd, 2022. Hopefully book 9 won't take nearly so long.
Will Harper's World

Sep 14, 2021 by David Crosby
Will Harper is based in Palmetto, Florida, at a marina across the Manatee River from Bradenton. He lives on the Wanderlust, a 57-foot Grand Banks trawler. The SailFin Point Marina in the series is patterned after the Regatta Pointe marina in Palmetto, and has the real Riverhouse Restaurant. Many of the places and restaurants featured in the story are real, and I always try to have the characters ordering food from their menus. If you read of a meal that sounds great, go try it for yourself!